Our warehouse is stocked full of products that you need. You’ll find details of those on our Products page. However we’d like to emphasize some of our featured, unique products here so that you’re fully aware of their benefits and you don’t miss them!

Ice Fighter Plus®

With freezing precipitation comes the need to protect your swimming pool and swimming pool equipment from freeze damage. Read our blog entry for more information: How to Protect Your Swimming Pool Equipment From Freeze Damage . In addition, one of the most important things to do is to clear your walkway of ice in order to keep your patrons safe! During this process, a good question is Will Ice Melt Damage Concrete? The quick answer is that melting ice with salt could lead to damages to your concrete such as excessive cracks and breaks which is not how you’d like to welcome your guests to your facility.

The good news is that Ice Fighter Plus® IS safe to use on concrete. The patented product’s features are:

  • 2 component system made of a propolyice patented inhibitor coated into the ice melt product
  • Melted ice/snow combines with the propolyice to form a polymer barrier that reduces the amount of water entering into the pores of the concrete
  • With Ice Fighter Plus®, any entrapped water has ample room to expand as it freezes thus reducing freeze damage to your concrete

Ice Fighter Plus® excels. We gladly offer this Ice Melt Comparison Chart .



HEATSAVR™ is a liquid pool cover formulated to save you $$ by conserving water loss to evaporation by up to 50% and lowering energy usage in heated indoor or outdoor pools by 15-35%.

Other benefits of liquid pool covers:

  1. Cuts overnight heat loss in half
  2. Reduces humidity levels of indoor pool areas

We will install a metering system for easy, reliable, and efficient doing of the HEATSAVR™ product.



Signs of bed bugs and the need to treat bed bugs is becoming common due in part to the somewhat unknown fact that bed bugs can be found outside of your home! Bed bugs can hitch a ride and be in churches, day care centers, dorms, business offices etc – anywhere with warm bodies. While the thought of finding bed bugs can originally feel like an overwhelming infestation, SteriFab is a proven, successful product.

To date, it is one of the only non-residual products labeled for bed bugs on mattresses and upholstered furniture.

Sterifab Facts Include:

  1. Not limited to bed bugs. (Treats mites, various insects, fungas, mildew & mold)
  2. Cleans and freshens restrooms
  3. One of the only products labeled for lice control
  4. Dries in less than 20 minutes
  5. Leaves no residue or active ingredients

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